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Posting to Instagram. What's new? Not much, these days. So it's odd, scrolling through photos of my life and work to find that perfect sunny and springtime image to represent Easter. Bunnies and grass and flowers and pastels and all that good stuff.

It's odd, scrolling through photos of a life outside, as I sit inside. Inside, with the world at my fingertips and all my needs met. Inside, with time to read and reflect. Time to sleep in and to make breakfast with David; time to call my extended family that I don't speak to nearly enough; time to reflect and time to pray.

It's odd that I spend so much time working to, theoretically, afford these simple luxuries and it took *not working* to enjoy them. And that, friends, is the lesson I learned on this Holy Day.

While group worship is wonderful, for me it is not the only way to worship and to remember a great sacrifice. As I walked Harley today, mask over mouth and nose, I looked up at the blue sky and the purple mountain and the smiling face of my orange dog and I thanked God. And I saw God in these things. In the purple mountain majesty and the pure, perfect love of an animal. I wasn't wearing my Sunday best and there wasn't an Easter egg or a Peep to be found, and I think that's just fine this year. Just maybe...a time of simplicity, of a return to home and family and meaning, is what we need. Or what I need, anyway.

During this season, as we celebrate the earth being reborn after winter; as we celebrate the miracle of Passover, Jesus' mastery over death, and His promise of eternal life -- it is the still nature of this quarantined time that reminds my restless spirit not to squander *this* life. I will enjoy these quiet corporeal moments and choose to nourish my mind, body and soul during this winter of quarantine. I will read and exercise and reflect. I will make plans and take steps to implement them. Eventually, as is the promise this time of year, I will step blinking into the sun...stronger and leaner; poised and ready; grateful and loving. Thankful for each blessed day.



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